March 03, 2015

Stephen Lazar Memorial Tournament - March 8, 2015

Hi all, we're hosting the Stephen Lazar Memorial Tournament this Sunday, March 8th in the SUB Ballroom. If you're interested in competing, please register soon! If you don't have a CFF licence to compete but still want to bum around the tournament, we're always looking for volunteers to help with set-up, referee assistants (e.g., stop watch timer guy), registration desk duties and take-down.

You're also welcome to drop by anytime and watch! :)

Tournament schedule:
7:00-9:00 am - equipment set-up
9:00 am - Senior Epee
11:00 am - Senior Foil
12:30 pm - Junior Sabre
2:00 pm - Senior Sabre
4:30-7:00 pm - take-down/clean-up
7:00 pm onwards - group dinner at some restaurant (TBA during take-down), you are welcome to join us

Set-up begins at 7:00 am. Our first event (senior epee) starts at 9:00 am so we have 2 hours for set-up.