Hi everyone,
North Vancouver Fencing Club is hosting their annual Santa Junior Mixed Sabre Open on Saturday, December 20, 2008.
The tournament will be held at Seylynn Hall (605 Mountain highway) in North Vancouver, BC.
It will be a junior U19 (under 19 years of age) mixed sabre event. Registration closes at 11:00 am.
Entry fee: $25
Requirements include a validated BCFA membership and CFF licence.
Pre-registration closes on December 19, 2008.
More information can be found at: http://askfred.net/Events/moreInfo.php?tournament_id=7497&FREDSID=530f2c23256c9e701cdfff55e2ca718c
To pre-register, go to askfred here: http://askfred.net/Events/Prereg/prereg.php?tournament_id=7497
If you have any questions about this tournament, please contact Zbig Pietrusinski at 604-984-2157 , or email him at zbig-nvfc@shaw.ca