Hi everyone,
We will have fencing over the summer in the SUB! Please be advised that over the summer, the club can only book rooms in the SUB two weeks in advance. Our practice summer schedule will be updated on a weekly basis so please check it out before coming out to fencing in case any practices get cancelled. Note that over the summer, rooms in the SUB will be booked more frequently by commercial events, seminars, conventions and conferences. We may have some days where fencing is cancelled because no rooms are available.
We will try to have fencing twice a week - Monday and Thursday evenings starting at 7:00 pm.
Our schedule can be found here: http://ubcfencing.blogspot.com/2011/04/2011-summer-schedule.html
Our summer session rates are as follow (May to August, total of 4 months):
$140 for entire summer, twice a week
$70 for entire summer, once a week
$40 per month, twice a week
$20 per month, once a week