Club Constitution


REVISED March 19, 2019

Article 1: Name

The name of the Club shall denote affiliation with the Alma Mater Society, or AMS, and shall be “The UBC Fencing Club”; hereinafter referred to as the Club.

Article 2: Purpose   

The Purposes of this Club are:   

2.1 To stimulate interest in and enjoyment of the sport of fencing.  
2.2 To provide instruction in foil, epee and sabre.  
2.3 To provide opportunities to engage in recreational fencing.  
2.4 To offer opportunities to train members interested in becoming eligible to compete at a local, provincial and national level.   

Article 3: Category

The UBC Fencing Club is a recreational/athletic club.

Article 4: Membership

4.1 Unless otherwise determined by the Clubs and Societies Committee, membership in all AMS Clubs shall be open to all Active AMS Members in good standing, as defined in AMS Bylaw 2.1; Associate Members, as defined in AMS Bylaw 4.3; and Honorary Members, as described in AMS Bylaw 4.4. Only Designated Athletic Clubs and Departmental Clubs are exempt from this.

4.2 Active Members shall be those members who are registered in a credit course at the University or its affiliated institutions and are not in default of payment of the AMS fee.   

4.3 Associate Members shall be those club members who are not Active Members but who pay a club membership fee. They can be UBC alumni, research fellows, faculty members, staff, non-UBC students, or others willing to be involved in Club activities. They shall not be permitted to vote, or sign Club Petitions. Associate members shall only be permitted if a club’s Bylaws allow them.  A. Bylaw: Associate Members are allowed in the Fencing Club.

4.4 Honorary Members shall be Club members  who are not Active Members and who do not pay a club membership fee, and shall not be permitted to vote, hold office, or sign Club Petitions. Honorary Members shall only be permitted if the Club’s Bylaws allow for them.   

4.5 A minimum of two-thirds (⅔) of the Club’s Membership shall be Active Members of the AMS.

4.6  The number of Associate Members and Honorary Members shall not be more than one-third (⅓) of the Club’s Membership.

4.7 The membership period shall not be more than one (1) year.

4.8 Each new member of the Club, including Associate and Honorary Members, must sign an AMS General Member waiver form.

4.9 The Clubs and Societies Committee may de-constitute a club that has less than ten (10) percent Active Member at any time.

Article 5: Membership Fees

5.1 Fees shall not be refundable under any circumstances.    5.2 Clubs may require members to pay an annual fee, the amount of which shall be determined by resolution of a General Meeting with quorum.  A. Starting in 2016, Active Membership fees shall be: $10.   B. Associate Membership Fees shall be: $30.

5.3 Associate membership fees shall be at least fifty percent (50%) more than the Active Membership fees.  A. This only applied to Membership fees, and shall not be applied to session fees.   B. Session fees must be paid in full, and can not be reimbursed.

5.4 Honorary membership fees shall be zero (0) dollars.  A. Honorary members for the Fencing Club are required to pay AMS Membership fees,  but may have session fees waived.

5.5 Changes in membership fees shall not become binding on established members until the termination of the current membership period.

5.6 Amendments to a Club’s membership fees must be approved by ⅔ majority of Active  Members at a General Meeting.

Article 6: Executive Committee   

6.1 Each Club shall elect an Executive Committee to manage the day-to-day affairs of the Club on behalf of the general membership. The positions are outlined below:  

A. Bylaw: The UBC Fencing Club Executive Committee will comprise of the following positions: President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. These roles may only be filled by Active members.  

  1. President: Position responsibilities include being the chief executive officer of the Club, coordinates the club, presides over and runs executive meetings, liaises with the AMS administration/UBC/other fencing clubs/BC Fencing Association/Canadian Fencing Federation as the embodiment of the club, is one of two booking representatives, is responsible for the safety of all club members, in charge of problem solving and is club spokesperson.
  2. Vice-President: Position responsibilities include any function that needs to be done (i.e. assisting all other positions of Executive if requested or in their absence), and responsible for communication within the club.  
  3. Treasurer: Position responsibilities include being the sole signing officer of the club, is one (1) of two (2) booking representatives of the club, responsible for safeguarding and managing of the clubs money (required to keep detailed records), deals with expenses and processing orders, submits all applications regardings Offices, Lockers and Club Renewals, submit Coach(es) Contract, checks into “Clubhouse” regularly to make sure everything is submitted properly and on time, and in the absence of the President, presides over the meetings.
  4. Secretary: Position responsibilities includes compiling meeting Agendas (finalized twenty-four (24) hours before exec meeting, 3 days before the general meetings),  responsible for taking meeting minutes, responsible for regular correspondence with the club member’s (via email, facebook, website), maintaining an up-to-date mailing list, and maintaining the website with regular updates.

B. Bylaw: The UBC Fencing Execs will also comprise the following positions: Armourer and Social Coordinator. These can only be filled by Active members, based on popular vote at AGM or other called by-elections.

  1. Social Coordinator: Responsibilities include organizing non-fencing social events throughout the year, planning alternative events when practices are cancelled with notice, and planning events after tournaments. This position does not have to be filled by a student, however priority will be given to a student.
  2. Armourer: Responsibilities include keeping an up-to-date inventory of club equipment, tools, weapons and parts; record all equipment loaned to club members (at tournaments or practice), repair defective club equipment, repair defective member equipment at Armourer's discretion (with proper paperwork and arrangement with individual members for covering parts and labour) and train others on armoury days, if Armourer so choose to run the event. Armoury days require two (2) weeks notice. The choice of the armourer is at the discretion of the voting body, preference will be given to students although there is no cap on the number of armourers in office. Armourer may choose to train individuals to assist them, should they require assistance. This assistant may be Active or Associate, be required to fill out all necessary paperwork to remove any liability from the Club and AMS/UBC, and understand that they are not subject to any benefits associated with being Club Armourer. They understand that they must sign the Code Of Conduct, and will not have access to the Office, Office or Locker Codes, Lockers, or tools/equipment without the direct supervision of the Armourer. Should the assistant violate any of these terms, they will be immediately dismissed from the position, and will be suspended pending vote if they should be barred from the Club.   

C. Bylaw:  All elected positions on the Executive Committee will agree to the Code of Conduct for the Fencing Club and an additional one governing the behaviour and responsibilities for the elected positions.  

  1. Both Code of Conducts will be attached to the Constitution, and signed agreement is required by all Committee members who wish to hold office positions. If they are elected and choose to not sign and uphold the Constitution in whole, then they forfeit their elected position.

D. Bylaw: Action Against Undedicated Executive Officers  If any Executive Officer does not perform duties assigned to or set for them as laid out in the Constitution and/or Code of Conduct and through motions, the Office may be asked to resign. The following may occur:  

a. A total of one (1) warning shall be issued.  
b. After one (1) warning has been issues, the President shall submit a motion for the Executive Officer’s resignation for that position. The Executive shall have a vote and the resignation of the person shall be carried out by a two-third (⅔) majority vote.
c.  If carried, the person will be asked to resign from their position by the President and be shown the passed motion. The Club membership shall also be informed about the passed motion.  
d. If the President has been called to resign, the motion must be passed by the remaining Executives, and shall be carried by a two-third (⅔) majority vote.  
e. Any Officer not fulfilling his duties in the past year or running for re-election to ANY position, can be removed by a vote of no-confidence,  decided by a twothird (⅔) vote by the general membership at a General Meeting where quorum is present, may be asked to submit his resignation.

E. Bylaw: Assistant Coaches

  1. An Assistant Coach may either apply for the position, or be nominated by the coach and Executives, whereupon they must be approved by both.  
  2. Session fees shall be waived but a Club membership fee shall be paid in full.  
  3. A set agenda or lesson plan shall be reviewed by the Coach, then Executives for approval and passed by a two-third (⅔) majority vote.  
  4. Assistant coaches must commit at least one (1) hour per session of fencing instruction.     

6.2 The Executive Committee must contain at least a President and Treasurer, but may include any number of Executives set out in each Club’s’ Bylaw. These Executives must be elected annually by the Club’s Membership. Executives listed in the bylaws may not be hired under any circumstances.

6.3 Executive positions shall be voluntary and Club Executives shall not receive honoraria or salary from the Club.

6.4 Clubs may not hire their own Executives or enter into any contract providing compensation for services provided by their own Executives, unless permission is granted in writing by the AMS Vice President Administration.

6.5 Only living, Active Members of the Alma Mater Society shall be eligible to be members of the Executive Committee.   

6.6 All members of the Executive Committee must be registered in at least one class (3 credits) during both Winter Sessions (at least 6 credits total).

Article 7: Finances and Assets

7.1 All constituted AMS Clubs must have an AMS bank account.

7.2 No Club may be controlled financially or operationally by an external organization.   

7.3 All financial transactions shall be made explicit through the AMS account; all financial dealings shall be done through the AMS Administrative Office.   

7.4 If any unauthorized accounts are discovered (i.e. outside bank accounts), the Club will be subject to de-constitution at the discretion of the Clubs and Societies Committee. These controls are necessary for the protection of the Club against a dishonest signing officer, or for protection against the loss of the Club’s monetary transaction records.

7.5 All revenues earned by the Club, including membership fees, must be deposited and kept in the AMS club bank account.
7.6 All AMS Clubs must be not-for-profit and self-sustaining.   

7.7 The sole signing officer of any club shall be the Treasurer.   

7.8 Property acquired by AMS Clubs shall be legally the property of the AMS under management of the Club.   

7.9 Neither the AMS nor its staff shall requisition or expropriate property acquired by AMS Clubs against the wishes of the Club, except when sale of such property is necessary to remove the Club’s account from deficit.   

7.10 Each Club or Society shall manage property in the best interest if its general membership, and shall not dispose of property without the express approval of the AMS Vice President Administration.

A. Bylaw: Club Equipment.

Club Fencing equipment, including tools and spare parts, shall not be sold or discarded unless it is deemed unnecessary or unsafe for the Club by a unanimous vote from the Executives.  
  1. If it is deemed unsafe or unnecessary, the equipment will be disposed of in accordance with AMS rules.  II.Any items missing shall be investigated by the Committee, until the location of the item is discovered and recorded.
Article 8: Bylaw Amendments

8.1 An amendment to the Club’s Bylaw may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by a signed petition representing fifty percent (50%) of the non-executive Club Membership.   

8.2 All Bylaw amendments shall be proposed at a General Meeting or in an area accessible by all members of the Club at least two weeks before they are eligible to be voted upon. The Club Executive Committee must make reasonable effort to alert all Members of the proposed changes.   

8.3 All amendments shall require the support of two-third (⅔) majority of the present voting members in a vote where quorum if fulfilled. The vote must be open to the Club’s entire Active Membership, and the voting period must be well-advertised, with reasonable effort to alert all Active Members.   

Article 9: Quorum

9.1 The quorum for all meetings shall be according to the tiers below:  
a. Less than 100 members: thirty percent (30%)
b. Between 100 and 200 members: twenty-five percent (25%)
c. More than 200 members: fifty (50) members   

9.2 Members of the Executive Committee do not count towards Quorum if a Club’s membership is less than 100 Active Members.

Article 10: General Meetings

10.1 Each Club shall have at least one General Meeting during each term of the school year. There shall be a minimum  of one (1) Annual General Meeting (AGM) during the University winter session.  

10.2  A General Meeting shall be called by the President at the request of the Executive Committee or upon receipt of a petition representing the Club’s Quorum. The meeting must be at least fourteen (14) days after the President receives the petition.   

10.3 Notice of the General Meeting shall be posted in an obvious place at least seven (7) days before the meeting is to take place. All general meetings shall take place at a reasonable time and in a reasonable location.   

10.4 The President shall post the Agenda for the General Meeting at least three (3) days prior to to the meeting.   

10.5 Minutes of the meeting must be kept if the Club’s decisions are to be upheld by AMS Staff in case of a dispute, and shall be the accepted record of proceedings.   

10.6 Only Active Members may vote in General Meetings.   

10.7 No binding decisions shall be made without quorum.   

Article 11: Elections   

11.1 The election of the Executive Committee shall take place during the first two (2) weeks of March at a General Meeting of the Club.

11.2 Voting shall take place through secret ballot.   

11.3 Nominations shall be submitted to the President at least one (1) week before the meeting where elections will take place. If the President is running for an Executive position, another Executive shall be designated by the Executive Committee to accept nominations.   

11.4 The Executive facilitating elections may accept nominations on the floor.   

11.5 The new Executive Committee shall assume office on the first day of May following the Club’s general election.   

11.6 By-elections shall be called by the President to fill vacant positions on the Executive Committee. If the Presidency is vacant, the Treasurer shall call a by-election.   

11.7 By-elections shall follow the same procedures described in this Article.   

11.8 Only Active Members shall be eligible for any Executive position. Voting members are as defined by the AMS, an owner of a UBC student card.   

11.9 All Active Members of the Club shall be eligible to vote for any Executive position.   

Article 12: Procedure

12.1  All procedural matters shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised.   

12.2 Any further discrepancies shall be decided by the AMS, which is the final authority.   

12.3 Each year, AMS Clubs shall be required to complete an Affiliation Renewal Form by March 30th or a date otherwise set by the AMS Vice President Administration. This Form shall include updated Executive contact information, a complete list of Club assets valued over $50, and other information the Clubs and Societies Committee deems relevant.   

Article 13: Committees

13.1 Any number of standing committees shall be established by the Club’s Bylaws.   

13.2 The procedure to select Committee Members shall be decided by the Executive Committee  Unless otherwise laid out in the Club’s Bylaws.

13.3 Ad-hoc committees may be created by the Executive Committee or at a General Meeting where Quorum is present.   

13.4 Committee Chairs shall be elected at a General Meeting of the Club unless otherwise laid out in the Club’s Bylaws.

Article 15: Budget

15.1 An annual budget of proposed expenditures and expected revenues shall be submitted to the Vice President Finance along with the budget each year by a date set by him or her.

Article 16: Authority and Governing Documentation

16.1  The Clubs and Societies Committee reserves the right to overturn any decision of a Club, amend a Club’s Bylaw, or direct its Executive Committee as necessary.

16.2 A member of the Clubs and Societies Committee may at any point request the minutes of a Club meeting to aid in the resolution of disputes within or between clubs.

16.3 All AMS Clubs shall be interpreted in a manner contradictory to the AMS Constitution, Code, rules, regulations, or policies enacted from time to time by the Alma Mater Society.

16.4 Nothing in this Constitution shall be interpreted in a manner contradictory to the AMS Constitution, Code, rules, regulations or policies enacted from time to time by the Alma Mater Society.

16.5 Nothing in a Club’s Bylaws, Policies, or Procedures shall be interpreted in a manner contradictory to the AMS Constitution, Code, rules,  regulations or policies enacted from time to time by the Alma Mater Society.

16.6 Nothing in a Club’s Bylaw, Policies, or Procedures will go against the Laws of British Columbia or Canada.

16.7 Nothing in the Club’s Bylaws, Policies, or Procedures shall permit bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, or discrimination of any kind.