Hello UBC Fencers!
A reminder about the beginner tournament happening on Monday, October 23. The tournament starts at 7:00pm, registration ends at 6:50pm. To qualify, you must have less than a year of fencing experience and be a UBC Fencing club member.
Most of the event will be run dry, except for the semi-finals and finals that will be run on electric. If you have not registered already, email us at fencingubc@gmail.com with your full name and "Beginner's tournament registration" in the subject line.
There will be pistes open for regualar practice and sparring.
Thursday the 26 is a in-house tournament, starting at 8pm, registration ends at 7:30pm. This is open to UBC Fencing members of all experience levels. The weapons run will be dependant on sign up. This will be an electric tournament throughout. If you'd like to fence, please email us your full name and "In-house tournament" in the subject line. The majority of this tournament will be self-reffed.