March 23, 2016

Stephen Lazar Memorial Tournament 2016 Results

Hi folks,

Results can be found on Askfred:

Good work to all of our UBC fencers on trying their best at the Lazar and a big congratulations to our medallists:
Jade Adalbert - 3rd place in Senior Women's Epee
Bosco Ho - 3rd place in Senior Men's Foil

March 14, 2016

St. Patrick's Day - Fencing Practice on Thursday, March 17th

Hi folks,

We will have fencing on St. Patrick's Day however we will start on time (6:30 PM) and end a bit early at 9:00 PM. If you plan on coming late to fencing, you might not get a lot of fencing done so you have been warned!

Those of legal drinking age can join us as we enter Irish pub establishments and consume green liquids of the alcohol variety. Bring ID. If you want to join in on the fun for the post-fencing madness, come to fencing at around 8:30 PM so you can tag along for the group commute to the pubs.

March 13, 2016

BC Fencing Union Cup - March 26, 2016

Hello everyone,

The UNBC Fencing Club is hosting their BC Fencing Union Cup on March 26, 2016 in Prince George, BC.

Events include:
Open Foil & Sabre
Cadet & Open Epee

To Register, Please Email: UNBCFC@GMAIL.COM

Registration and details can be found here:

March 12, 2016

Stephen Lazar Memorial Tournament - March 20, 2016

Hi everyone,

A friendly reminder to those who plan on competing to go register soon! We have our Stephen Lazar Memorial Tournament on Sunday, March 20, 2016! This competition is CFF sanctioned so you will need a validated CFF, USFA or equivalent fencing licence to compete! Renew your licence prior to the competition if you have not done so yet, otherwise we will not let you fence.

Details and registration can be found here:

Volunteers coming to help with set-up - it begins at 8:00 am sharp!

Also note that we will be in a NEW venue: The AMS Student Nest (6133 University Blvd, Vancouver)!
Room will be located on the 2nd floor in the Great Hall.

See you there!

Escrime Sundae Tournament - April 2, 2016

Hi all,

Escrime Sundae coming up April 2, 2016 in Victoria, BC! If you have not taken a ferry to Vancouver Island, now is the time to do so!

Details and registration can be found here:

Depending on interest, we may arrange to do a group day trip to and from Vancouver Island via ferry and bus transit. Arrangements and logistics will be discussed in our Facebook page. 

March 08, 2016

Club Elections Results

A big thank you for those who came and voted and for those who stepped up when the Club needed them!

Introducing the 2016-2017 Executive Board:
President: Karl Maibauer
Treasurer: Alix Rommel 
Vice-President: Ben Geisberg
Secretary: Jaime Silverthorn
Social Coordinator: Rebecca Coulson

March 07, 2016

T-shirt Design Contest Voting - March 10, 2016

Hi folks,

We are re-scheduling our T-shirt Design Contest voting to Thursday, March 10, 2016 during fencing practice. Come out to decide which logo should be on our new t-shirts!

We will also discuss what types of clothing (e.g., t-shirts, wick-away, sweat or track pants, track jacket, etc.) do people want to order so we can ask the company for a quote and find out how much it would cost.

See you there!

March 04, 2016

Club Elections - March 7, 2016

Herro fellow fencers!

On Monday March 7th at 8:00 pm, we will be holding our annual club elections to select the executives of 2016-17. You can nominate anyone, including yourself as long as you are a full time UBC student. By taking on the role as an exec, you will learn to run a club, manage club finances, work with others and many other valuable leadership skills.

There are currently five positions to be filled: 
Vice President
Social Coordinator

All nominees will have to prepare a 1-2 min speech to tell us why we should vote for you. If you are not running for any positions, we still encourage you to come on down to vote for or nominate your friends! (and fence of course)! Note that you have to be UBC student member to vote!

See you guys there!

March 01, 2016

Intercollegiate Tournament 2016 Results

Hi all,

The results of the Intercollegiate Tournament are up! We would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to all our volunteers, referees, random helpers and everyone else who decided to come all the way to UBC (especially from an island and from across the border) to compete with us! :)

We look forward to future Intercollegiate Tournaments, wherever they may be! See you all next year!