Hi all, we're hosting the Stephen Lazar Memorial Tournament this Sunday, March 8th in the SUB Ballroom. If you're interested in competing, please register soon! If you don't have a CFF licence to compete but still want to bum around the tournament, we're always looking for volunteers to help with set-up, referee assistants (e.g., stop watch timer guy), registration desk duties and take-down.
You're also welcome to drop by anytime and watch! :)
Tournament schedule:
7:00-9:00 am - equipment set-up
9:00 am - Senior Epee
11:00 am - Senior Foil
12:30 pm - Junior Sabre
2:00 pm - Senior Sabre
4:30-7:00 pm - take-down/clean-up
7:00 pm onwards - group dinner at some restaurant (TBA during take-down), you are welcome to join us
Set-up begins at 7:00 am. Our first event (senior epee) starts at 9:00 am so we have 2 hours for set-up.