September 27, 2014

Upcoming Tournaments - Fall 2014

This Fall the UBC Fencing club will be hosting two sanctioned tournaments:

1) Halloween Slash and Stab
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Online registration deadline: October 25, 2014
Cost: $25 per event
Events: Senior epee and senior sabre (all events are men's and women's separately)
Where: UBC SUB Ballroom

2) Remembrance Day Tournament
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Online registration deadline: November 8, 2014
Cost: $30 per event
Weapons: Senior foil, epee, and sabre (all events are men's and women's separately)
Where: UBC SUB Ballroom

Spectators are welcome and can drop by anytime to watch a real fencing tournament. Experienced fencers who want to compete should make sure to renew their competitive passport via the CFF webpage:

We are also looking for volunteers to help with setting up, taking down, score keeping, armoury table and registration desk. If you would like to volunteer contact us at

If you would like to compete but do not have a full set of electric gear, the club has a limited amount that we can lend to fencers for the day - we will only lend out equipment if you contact us in advance and request the items that you need. First e-mailed, first served.

Competitors, volunteers, and associates are invited to join us for dinner after the tournament; simply RSVP via e-mail or Facebook once the location has been agreed upon.

Looking forward to another year of fierce competition and fun!

Club Secretary