Hi all ya'll,
this Thursday we are having our elections for the Treasurer and Armourer positions. If you plan on running, please let us know (email us at fencingubc@gmail.com), and meet us 10 minutes before the lesson starts.
Here are the rules:
1) you must be a UBC student
2) you have to make a 1 minute speech --> Make sure to include who you are (so people can write down your name), why you want to do it, why you think you would be good at it, and if you have time maybe a bit about yourself.
There are many perks to being on the fencing exec. The first is that it looks great on your resume to have a leadership role like this. The second that you get lots of organizational experience, and essentially help run a business. The third is that you get to have free fencing lessons starting next semester (not including the summer semesters).
If you are not running, please do come on Thursday so you can vote! You do have a say on who represents you, the club member!
Over and out,
Jessica Clayton
UBC Fencing Club Secretary