April 19, 2011

Summer session fees

Hi everyone,

We will have fencing over the summer in the SUB! Please be advised that over the summer, the club can only book rooms in the SUB two weeks in advance. Our practice summer schedule will be updated on a weekly basis so please check it out before coming out to fencing in case any practices get cancelled. Note that over the summer, rooms in the SUB will be booked more frequently by commercial events, seminars, conventions and conferences. We may have some days where fencing is cancelled because no rooms are available.

We will try to have fencing twice a week - Monday and Thursday evenings starting at 7:00 pm.

Our schedule can be found here: http://ubcfencing.blogspot.com/2011/04/2011-summer-schedule.html

Our summer session rates are as follow (May to August, total of 4 months):
$140 for entire summer, twice a week
$70 for entire summer, once a week
$40 per month, twice a week
$20 per month, once a week

2011 Summer Schedule


*Note that fencing lessons are 2 hours long but we have the room booked to midnight so you are welcome to stay longer. Details on our summer schedule and rates can be found here.

Please be advised that over the summer, clubs can only book rooms in the SUB two weeks in advance. Our practice summer schedule will be updated on a weekly basis so please check it out before coming out to fencing in case any practices get cancelled.

Monday, May 2 -- CANCELLED
Thursday, May 5 -- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Partyroom
Monday, May 9 -- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Partyroom
Thursday, May 12 -- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB 212
Monday, May 16 --
7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB 214/216
Thursday, May 19 --
7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Ballroom
Monday, May 23
Thursday, May 26 -- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB 205
Monday, May 30
-- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Ballroom

Thursday, June 2
-- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Ballroom
Monday, June 6
-- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB 214/216
Thursday, June 9
-- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB 214/216
Monday, June 13
Thursday, June 16
-- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB 212A
Monday, June 20
-- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB 205
Thursday, June 23
-- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB 205
Monday, June 27 --
7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB 214/216
Thursday, June 30
-- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Partyroom

Monday, July 4 -- CANCELLED (CANADA DAY WEEKEND, plus no rooms available)
Thursday, July 7 --
CANCELLED (all rooms unavailable due to major conference)
Monday, July 11
-- CANCELLED (all rooms unavailable due to major conference)
Thursday, July 14
-- CANCELLED (all rooms unavailable due to major conference)
Monday, July 18 -- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Partyroom
Thursday, July 21 -- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB 214/216
Monday, July 25 -- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Ballroom
Thursday, July 28 --
7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Ballroom

Monday, August 1 -- CANCELLED (BC DAY)
Thursday, August 4
-- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Ballroom
Monday, August 8
-- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Ballroom
Thursday, August 11
Monday, August 15 -- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Partyroom
Thursday, August 18
Monday, August 22
Thursday, August 25 -- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB Ballroom
Monday, August
29 -- 7:00-9:00 pm -- SUB 214/216

April 13, 2011

Year-end party - Saturday, April 30th!!

Hi everyone!

Based on your responses, we have set the year-end social to be on Saturday, April 30, 2011!!

The party starts at 4:00 pm but you're welcome to come later if you want. We'll be sticking around til about 8:00 pm. We're probably going to go grab food at a restaurant or bar afterward.

There will be food, games and other fun stuff! To make it easier for us, we'll do a potluck sort of social. You're welcome to bring food, snacks or drinks since it'll help us a great deal in case we didn't buy enough food! Please let us know what you'll be bringing.

Location: 610 Granville Street - it will be located in the lounge room in an apartment next to Hudson's Bay Company (a.k.a. The Bay) - Granville & West Georgia Street. You'll need to buzz in to get in the building. Please email us for the buzzer number and to RSVP.

Please RSVP us (via email) if you're coming! This will help us figure out what to bring to the party! Also, we'll contact you privately on how to get in the building.

April 04, 2011

Spring Cleaning Tournament Results

The results for Spring Cleaning Tournament on April 3, 2011, is now up on Askfred! You can go here to see the results: http://askfred.net/Results/results.php?tournament_id=13862

April 03, 2011

Year-end fencing social!

Hi everyone,

We'll be having our very last social of the school year in mid-April! In order to do that, I will need to know when all of you are available!

Details including the date/time/location to be announced later. In the meantime, if you guys are interested in coming to the social (we are thinking of doing a bowling/movie/dinner/werewolf game thing), you could fill this Doodle page out! We need to know when everyone is free before scheduling a date for the social. Note that the social will be held somewhere in downtown Vancouver and will be accessible by transit. We're going to book a lounge room in one of our fencer's apartment building in downtown.

Please fill out the Doodle page by April 7th, thanks!



April 01, 2011

Stephen Lazar Memorial Tournament Results

Hi everyone,

The Lazar results are up on Askfred now: http://askfred.net/Results/results.php?tournament_id=13861

Also, we would like to thank everyone for their support, advice and most of all, their help (especially with set-up and refereeing)! The tournament could not have run that smoothly and quickly without your help! We really appreciate it! :)