Hi everyone,
The BCFA is hosting a pre-competition training camp for athletes registered to compete at the CSCs. The Canadian Fencing Federation CSCs will be held in Richmond, BC, from January 28-30, 2011.
The camp is intended as a pre-competition "tune up" for interested athletes. Due to size limitations, the camp will only be open to BCFA members who have registered for the CSCs by January 14th.
The camp will be held on Sunday, January 23, 2011, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, at Dynamo Fencing Club (#3122 - 12811 Rowan Place Richmond, BC), and coached by Provincial Head Coach Victor Gantsevich and Provincial Coaches Zbig Pietrusinski and Theodora Runtova.
Club coaches interested in attending to improve their coaching skills may do so with prior permission - please email president.bcfa@gmail.com if interested in attending as a club coach.
Pre-registration is a requirement for the camp. There will be absolutely no registration on the day of the camp. Pre-registration closes on Saturday, January 22, 2011. Please pre-register on ASKFRED at the following link: http://askfred.net/Clinics/moreInfo.php?clinic_id=14009
The cost of the camp will be $20 - payable by cash or cheque only, with cheques made payable to the BCFA.