December 21, 2010

Club equipment order for term 2

Hi everyone,

We are doing another club equipment order from Absolute Fencing for term 2.

If you are interested in ordering some fencing equipment, please email us by Thursday, January 6, 2011! We actually get a club discount of 20% if you buy AF products. Note that if you want to order something and get the discount, you would have to be a club member.

We get discounts on equipment which range from 5-20%:
-AF items -- 20% discount
-AF kits -- 5% discount
-Uhlmann & Negrini, all FIE blades, and French and German parts -- 15% discount
-Leon Paul products -- 10% discount

Please send Paul a complete description of the item(s) you want, and pay a non-refundable deposit of 50% of the estimated total cost - e.g. if the item costs $100 USD, you can just pay us a $50 deposit (in Canadian dollars, of course). The US-Canadian exchange rate is almost on par so you save quite a bit if you order!

There is the CSCs coming up in late January so if you need to order any FIE equipment, the deadline to send in your equipment order will be on January 6, 2011, during fencing practice. We will be sending in the order to Absolute Fencing over the weekend to ensure that your gear arrives well before the CSCs!

In your email, please include the following information:
- Your name and email address (so we can contact you when the order arrives)
- Name of items you wish to order
- Price of each item (in USD)
- Catalog number of each item
- Details of each item (colour, size, hand like right-handed/left-handed, and other information that would help us determine what you want)

For more details on ordering fencing equipment, please go here:

This will be our LAST equipment order for the school year.

If you don't have any gear, or want to upgrade your gear to be able to compete in local tournaments, AF has some great starter kits including electric kits. Please note that foil competitions in BC require masks with a conductive bib.