October 06, 2010

Halloween Slash and Stab - Sunday, October 24, 2010

The UBC Fencing Club is hosting the CFF-sanctioned Halloween Slash and Stab Tournament on Sunday, October 24, 2010.

Location: SUB Ballroom

Senior Men's Epee - registration 9:00-10:30 am, fencing begins 11:00 am
Senior Women's Epee - registration 9:00-10:30 am, fencing begins 11:00 am
Senior Mixed Sabre - registration 11:00-12:30 pm, fencing begins 1:00 pm

Fee: $20 per event

Pre-registration deadline: Saturday, October 23, 2010

Please register early to avoid the $10 late fee!

Please note that you will need a current fencing licence to compete in this tournament (e.g. CFF or equivalent, like USFA or FIE).

More details on the tournament and pre-registration can be found here: