We are going to organize a Foil Beginner Tournament on Saturday, November 27, 2010.
Time: 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Location: SUB Ballroom
Entry fee: $5
Requirements: Must have started fencing in September 2010 or in the last 4 months.
Prizes will be available to the top 4 fencers at the end of the tournament.
Please pre-register (via email) by November 25 if you wish to fence in this tournament. All equipment will be provided.
We will be doing dry fencing during the poules BUT we will be doing electric fencing throughout the direct elimination (DE) rounds. It will be a mixture of dry and electric fencing overall during the tournament. The DEs will be taken seriously so that is why we decided to do electric fencing (plus judging will be a lot easier). Note that you must have already paid the necessary membership fee AND session fees in order to enter. Otherwise, you would need to pay the $8 drop-in fee if you have not paid the session fees but have paid the membership fee.