For those who are interested in volunteering their time to help us set-up for our CFF-sanctioned Halloween Slash and Stab Tournament on Saturday, October 24th, tournament set-up will be from 8:00-10:00 am in the SUB Ballroom. You can stop by anytime between those times to help with set-up (preferably before 9:00 am). Set-up will include machine and piste set-up, nothing too complicated.
Afterwards, you are welcome to stay and watch the fencing tournament. We're also looking for volunteers to help us with packing up and clean-up after the tournament is over. Depending on how long the tournament will last, clean-up should start around 3:00 pm and should last no more than 1.5 hours. Let us know as soon as possible if you are interested in helping out. After the tournament is over, we'll be heading to Red Robin for dinner. You are welcome to join us but you must RSVP Rebeca via