Hi everyone,
Here are some important dates:
Annual General Meeting -- it will be on Thursday, February 26, at 7:00 pm.
Elections Day (for 2009-10 Executive Committee) -- will be on Thursday, March 5, at 7:00 pm.
1. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING -- Thursday, February 26, 7:00-7:15 pm
There are some changes AMS wants all clubs to change in their club constitution. So...we will be having our AGM on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 7:00 pm. It should not take more than 15 minutes of your time. We'll just go over the constitution and then give some information about Elections day (and also the roles and responsibilities of each Executive position).
There, you can read the revised/proposed club constitution and if you agree with the amendments, you can sign your name and student number (UBC students only!). We will need a quorum and of those Active members, would need a two-thirds majority vote to pass these amendments, not including Executives. So please come out and approve of these changes! :)
So hopefully if you're around campus (even if you don't want to fence that day), please drop by on February 26 to read and vote on the amendments! We will have a sheet available for you to sign for that day on also on March 2nd if you cannot come on Thursday. If you cannot make it to Thursday's AGM, please email me and let me know so I will remember to bring the sheet for you to sign! Thanks!!
I have attached our proposed club constitution via email for convenience (check your inbox!) so you can just read it ahead of time and if you agree, please stop by and sign it! Thanks!
Note: the words highlighted in BLUE are the ones that have been revised and/or added onto the constitution. The majority of the constitution has been copy and pasted directly from the AMS club constitution template.
2. ELECTIONS DAY -- Thursday, March 5, 7:00-7:30 pm
Also, Elections day...we will have it on March 5th in the beginning of fencing class (from 7:00-7:30 pm). If you would like to run for an Executive position for next year, please email me and let me know. If you have any questions or concerns about Executive positions, please do not hesitate to ask. Even if you do not want to run for next year, please show up and vote to support your fellow (new) Executives!!!
We are accepting NOMINATIONS as of today. I will need an email or in-person confirmation from you that you would like to run for any one of these positions (you can choose more than one in the event that you do not get voted).
There will be 8 positions for next year:
Vice President
Social Coordinator
Sustainability Coordinator (new position...once we approve of the constitution!)
Equity Officer (2 representatives needed...new position once we approve of the constitution!)
General rules for the elections:
1. All candidates MUST be a UBC student next Winter semester (2009-2010 from September to April) and MUST be a current Active UBC Fencing Club Member at the time of elections. You also have to be a student for the entire year next year (we don't want you to graduate in December and leave the position in the middle of the year afterwards - you need to be a CURRENT UBC student for the WHOLE school year).
2. All candidates and current executives who wish to run for next year must declare ahead of time (preferably before March 9) that they will run. You can either send me an email or tell me in person.
3. You need to give a 3 minute (maximum) speech. This will be mandatory. No speech, no vote (why would we vote for someone who can't even prepare a speech?). No profanities or anything that may offend your fellow clubmates. Usually speeches last between 1-2 minutes.
4. Need to be present at the election. If you cannot make it (due to some unforeseeable matter), please let me know and we will read your speech for you. And yes, you will still need to write up the speech.