Hey guys,
We are organizing a Halloween tournament on Saturday, October 25, 2008. Note that it is member-only. It will be informal so there won't be any poules or bouts during the tournament. It will be comprised of fun fencing-related games. And yes, tons of candy and chocolate will be, of course, provided. :)
The tournament will be from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm in the SUB Partyroom. I am hoping it will end before 1:30 pm.
So just to sum it up:
WHEN: Saturday, October 25, 2008
TIME: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
WHERE: SUB Partyroom
WHY: Because there's fencing games and free candy!!!
I thought I'd provide some details on what these "games" will be. You guys will have a sneak peak of the games next Monday and Thursday (the week of the tournament). We'll be playing some fencing games in the beginning of class.
Games will include the rectangle game, pirates vs. navy, wall-to-wall game, 2 vs. 2 bout, line game, catch and toss, circle game, and side fencing. Fencers will be placed in to teams. You'll understand what these mean if you come next week...
If you are interested in participating, please RSVP Steph and let her know (either in person or by email) so we have a rough estimate of how much equipment to use and how much candy to bring. You can email our club email to RSVP too.
See you there!!! :)