We'll be having the last team practice coming up on Saturday, December 1st. We'll reserve the Ballroom Extension to those who wish to fence and train. We have the room booked from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm.
For those who wish to fence during December exams, please let me know which Saturdays you can 100% come and the times too. I have a few who has guaranteed me that they can drop by on Saturday, December 15th. Again, please let me know ASAP if you can 100% come on December 8th or the 22nd. I'll need at least 3 people giving me a guarantee before I'll actually make the room booking this week. Thanks!
2. BEGINNER'S TOURNAMENT - Saturday, December 1, 2007 - 11:00 am to 6:00 pm in SUB Ballroom
If you still haven't registered for the Beginner's Foil Tournament, please do so BEFORE next Friday, November 30th. Please email us to pre-register. You can pay the $5 entry fee on the day of the tournament or on Monday.
We have a fairly good number of participants for the tournament which means we will be doing dry fencing during the pools BUT we will be doing electric fencing throughout the direct elimination (DE) rounds. It will be a mixture of dry and electric fencing overall during the tournament. The DE's will be taken seriously so that is why we decided to do electric fencing (plus judging will be a lot easier).I will probably not charge a deposit for renting out electric gear but you will definitely need to sign-in those items you wish to borrow and RETURN them back to me - you'll need to sign-out too before you leave.
Note that you must have already paid the necessary membership fee AND session/lesson fees in order to enter. Otherwise, you would need to pay the $5 drop-in fee if you have not paid the session fees but have paid the membership fee.
Detailed information about the tournament can be found here: http://ubcfencing.blogspot.com/2007/11/beginners-tournament.html
This is your LAST LAST CALL for picking up and paying for the club equipment you have ordered through us. If you do not pick up and pay for your items by the end of this semester, we will be selling them to anyone in the club!! Please talk to Diondi about club orders. If you have notified us that you will be paying and picking them up in term 2, then no worries - we will continue to hold your stuff until January :) Please talk to Diondi to find out how much you owe the club. Thanks! Cash or cheque are acceptable forms of payment - cheques are payable to "UBC Fencing Club".
We are still selling discounted movie ticket coupons at $9 each. Maximum 5 tickets per member. We have 30 so if you are interested in buying a discounted movie coupon (regular price for one movie ticket usually goes for between $10-12 so you're getting a good deal here), please talk to me by email or in person.
The movie coupons are for Cineplex Entertainment LP theatres including Famous Players, Cineplex Odeon and Galaxy Cinemas. The ticket coupons will work as one general admission ticket. The movie coupons may be used as admission into any movie (including those that state "No passes accepted") at any Cineplex Odeon or Famous Players theatre in Canada. The theatres include all Cineplex Odeon theatres, Famous Players theatres, SilverCity theatres, and Colossus theatres.
These coupons expire December 15, 2009.