August 01, 2014

Day of the Piggy - BBQ August 4th

The Day of the Piggy Fencing Summer BBQ Social will commence on:

Monday, August 4, 2014
Where: Kitsilano Beach
At 12:00 pm to whenever we feel like leaving.
We will meet up at 12:00 pm sharp in front of the Boathouse restaurant for those who will actually meet up on time. There, we will hunt for a spot to claim our own!

For those who are late, come find us at the BBQ spot as we hunt for a picnic table spot to have our BBQ at (text us where we are)! There are a couple of wooden beach picnic tables at the red circle area (on map).

Map of Kits Beach - meet up place and BBQ area:

What to bring (optional):
-Your own water bottle/mug/cup if you don't want to use plastic cups or see it blown away by the wind
-$20 for Vincent if you are partaking in The Piggy
-Food (if you are bringing potluck dish)
-Ziploc containers and ziploc bags for the piggy leftovers to bring home
-Camera if you want to take nice scenic pics
-Beach towel if you want to sit on the grass/sand without having your bum dirty (in the event all picnic tables are filled up)
-Lawn chair
-Floor mat to sit down
-Plastic bags if you want to bring some things home

The club will supply: utensils (forks, spoons, knives), napkins, paper plates, plastic cups, drinks (pop, juice), hamburger buns, bread (for the piggy sandwich) and condiments. Possibly sliced cheese too.

Who's bringing what (so far):
-Vincent - The Piggy - 12 people partaking in eating it
-Yvonne - bottled water and sliced veggies
-Bosco - ??
-Geoffrey - dessert (Angel food cake)
-Steph - dessert of some kind, loaf of bread, painter's tape, plastic table sheets to put on the wooden picnic table to keep our food clean, and a few plastic bags
-June/Yvonne - salad and/or sliced veggies/lettuce
-Lynn - club sponsored items (utensils, drinks, cups, napkins, cheese)

What we need:
-Beach towel/floor mats if you want to sit on the grass/sand without getting your bum dirty

RSVP on facebook (vote on the poll) or email us if you are coming (only if you have NOT done so already) so we have an accurate head count of how many will be showing up! Hope to see you there!