February 26, 2008

CCFC's Fence-a-Thon

I'm passing information about a tournament coming up on Saturday, March 15th starting at 7:00 pm in Victoria, BC - this message is from Anna of the Capital City Fencers' Club:

Hi everyone,

It's the moment you've all been waiting for. On March 15, prepare for The Big One. The most exciting moment of the international fencing season. Bigger than Worlds. Bigger than the Olympics. Bigger than the Beatles and THEY said they were bigger than Jesus. So. Well. You can draw your own conclusions.

The Fence-a-Thon.

If you've been living in a cave with your eyes shut and your fingers in your ears for the last three years you'll probably STILL know that Fence-a-Thon is a twelve-hour overnight fencing marathon to benefit pancreatic cancer research. We start at 7pm Saturday March 15 with a sanctioned tournament that should run until around midnight, break for a huge feast, and the start fencing again and run team tournaments, flepee, or just open bouting until 7am - whatever we feel like! We keep track of bouts and victories and who did what to whom and at the end of the night, tally it all up and hand out some wicked prizes. Really wicked. Just ask Jeff.

This year, we're running sanctioned tournaments in Men's and Women's Foil, Epee and Sabre. All events start at 7pm March 15.

All competitors will require current BCFA and CFF membership or USFA membership.

The tournament will be held at our usual venue, St Andrew's Regional High School, at 880 McKenzie Avenue. Directions to the venue will be available at
http://members.shaw.ca/ccfc directly. If you need some help carpooling or a ride down, or if you think driving home Sunday is a poor idea and need a place to crash, give me (Anna) a shout at (250) 592-8713 or by email at anna_smith@shaw.ca. We'll do anything we can to accomodate.

Entry fees will be $20 at the door. Because this is a fundraising event, hit up your friends, your family, your archenemies, your dental patients, anybody at all that you can think of who might have a couple extra bucks towards pancreatic cancer research. This whole thing got rolling a few years ago when the Canadian fencing community lost Christian Vidosa, international referee and all-around crazy basket case. His efforts helped to build many of the best referees working in Canada today and touched the lives of the entire fencing community. Things really aren't the same without him. This whole show is to honour his memory; therefore, one hundred percent of the proceeds will be donated to the BC Cancer Agency. Our biggest breadwinners will also be handsomely prizishly rewarded! PLUS because it's for charity, it's all tax deductable! Forms on our website. You can't lose!

Preregistration is available at
http://askfred.net/Events/moreInfo.php?tournament_id=5402. Preregistration is not mandatory but it'll help us figure out how much food to bring along. Right now we're banking on "lots" but might step that up to "tons" or even "moutains" if the need arises!

Ummmm I think that's it! Give me a shout if I spaced on something really vital (I do basically every year) or if you just have any questions and I'll see what I can do to give things a sheen of mudlike clarity. Or, you know, call just to talk. Did you hear what she said he heard about them? Because I totally did.

Thanks guys! I'm really looking forward to having you all out, and hope everyone can make it for the big night. So go out, raise tons of cash, invite your teammates, challenge your rivals and come stab your friends!


February 20, 2008

Annual General Meeting and Elections

I have set up a date for our ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING to be on Thursday, March 13, 2008 during fencing practice. Our AGM will be from 7:00-7:30 pm in the SUB Ballroom. We will have ELECTIONS and then we will be giving you all a quick update on what the club has been doing throughout the year.

If you would like to run for a position for next year, please contact us or if you would like to know what the duties are for each position, feel free to talk to the executives.

General Rules:
1. All candidates must be a UBC student next Winter semester (2008-2009) and must be a current UBC Fencing Club member at the time of elections. You also have to be a student for the entire year next year (we don't want you to graduate in December and leave the position in the middle of the year afterwards - you need to be a CURRENT UBC student for the WHOLE school year).
2. All candidates and current executives who wish to run for next year must declare that they will run on March 13.
3. You need to give a 1 minute (maximum) speech.
4. Need to be present at the AGM.

We have 6 positions available: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Armourer, Secretary and Social Coordinator.

If you would like to run for a position, please contact us, come to the AGM and prepare a 1 minute (maximum) speech of WHY you should have the executive position. We are accepting nominations as of today.

February 19, 2008

Spring General Meeting

Hi everyone,

Our revised club constitution needs to be revised again. I have set up a Spring General Meeting to be on Thursday, February 28, 2008, starting at 7:00 pm and hopefully it will last for about 15 minutes of your time.

Please take a look at the newly revised constitution (check your email for this message and for an attachment of the document). The stuff that is highlighted in red were the amendments we agreed on (as decided by your votes/signatures) back in November, and the stuff highlighted in blue are the new amendments that AMS wants us to include in the constitution.

We would like to see the same turnout as last November's Fall General Meeting. We hope to see AT LEAST 15 members present during the meeting (you need to be an active member to vote) and hopefully more than 10 members who approve of these amendments.

Please be there. Please take a look at the document and if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact Steph.

February 18, 2008

Intercollegiate Tournament Results

Mixed Epee:




3. JONES Adrian, UBC

5. CHIANG Chris, UBC

6. HOSKINS Jeremy, UBC

7. MILLER Cameron, UBC

8. LIU Marlon, UBC

9. WONG Calvin, UBC


11. PRATT Ian, UBC

12. GREGORY Matthew, UBC

13. XU Nina, UBC

Mixed Foil:

1. ORR Alan, UVIC

2. JONES Adrian, UBC

3. MARSH Dace, UBC

3. XU Nina, UBC

5. HOSKINS Jeremy, UBC

6. CHAU Jason, UBC


Intercollegiate Tournament Results

Good work and thanks to everyone (UVIC, SFU and UBC) who participated in this year's Intercollegiate Tournament! Congratulations to all the medal winners! :) Hope to see you all next year!

Mixed Epee:
1. Ozgur Nazilli, UBC
2. Seino Jongkees, UBC
3. Will Archibald, UVIC
3. Adrian Jones, UBC
5. Chris Chiang, UBC
6. Jeremy Hoskins, UBC
7. Cameron Miller, UBC
8. Marlon Liu, UBC
9. Calvin Wong, UBC
10. De Wet Van Nikerk, UBC
11. Ian Pratt, SFU
12. Matthew Gregory, UBC
13. Nina Xu, UBC

Mixed Foil:
1. Alan Orr, UVIC
2. Adrian Jones, UBC
3. Dace Marsh, UBC
3. Nina Xu, UBC
5. Jeremy Hoskins, UBC
6. Jason Chau, UBC
7. Bowen Thomas-Lond, UVIC
8. Kelvin Yeung, UBC
9. Paul Godin, UBC
10. Jack Xu, UBC
11. Diondi Tan, UBC

Also, we would like to thank everyone who helped out with the tournament (e.g. set-up, judging, take-down). This tournament would not have been as successful without you guys! :) Thanks a bunch!

February 04, 2008

2008 Stephen Lazar Memorial Tournament


Presented by the UBC Fencing Club

The UBC Fencing Club would like to invite all fencers to the annual Stephen Lazar Memorial Tournament. The tournament will consist of open events for foil, sabre and epee, and a junior (U20) sabre event.

---------- INFORMATION: ----------

Date: Saturday, March 1, 2008

Location: Student Union Building, Ballroom
6138 Student Union Boulevard
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1

Pre-registration closes: Friday, February 29, 2008. Please pre-register on askred: http://askfred.net/Events/Prereg/prereg.php?tournament_id=5423

Cost: $25 CAD per event

---------- JUNIOR EVENTS: ----------

JMS: Junior (U20) Men’s Sabre
Registration 7:00-8:00, fencing begins at 8:30
(Born 1988 or later)

JWS: Junior (U20) Women’s Sabre
Registration 7:00-8:00, fencing begins at 8:30
(Born 1988 or later)

----------- SENIOR/OPEN EVENTS: -----------

SMF: Men’s Foil
Registration 8:00-9:00, fencing begins at 9:30

SWF: Women’s Foil
Registration 8:00-9:00, fencing begins at 9:30

SME: Men’s Epee
Registration 9:00-10:30, fencing begins at 11:00

SWE: Women’s Epee
Registration 9:00-10:30, fencing begins at 11:00

SMS: Men’s Sabre
Registration 10:30-12:30, fencing begins at 13:00

SWS: Women’s Sabre
Registration 10:30-12:30, fencing begins at 13:00

Pools will be self-directed.


National domestic ranking points are earned on the senior ranking for open events, and the junior ranking for junior events.

Note: Events will be cancelled if there are less than 6 people registered – those fencers who have registered will then be asked if they wish to participate in a mixed event. The CFF Competition Rules allow for up to 5 individuals of the opposite gender to the competition to be mixed in – the event will still be ranked as a single event. Your points will show up for that weapon and age group.

---------- EQUIPMENT: ----------

All entrants must wear proper protective equipment (fencing jacket, breeches, mask and glove) during competition. Masks must pass a punch test (FIE label not required) and be stamped prior to the event. Fencing lames will be tested. All fencers must wear plastrons (underarm protectors) if they are not wearing an FIE fencing jacket. Weapons will be checked on the piste for all events.

---------- FEES AND REQUIREMENTS: ----------

Cost: $25 CAD entry fee per event

Pre-registration via the internet is recommended and can be completed at askfred.net. http://askfred.net/Events/Prereg/prereg.php?tournament_id=5423

Payment will be collected at the registration table on the day of the tournament. We accept either cash or cheque (payable to the UBC Fencing Club). Please do not mail cheques or cash.

All entrants must have a current CFF competitive passport or equivalent (e.g. USFA or FIE) to enter the tournament. Your BCFA membership must be in good standing in order to participate in the tournament. Memberships cannot be purchased at the tournament – please purchase your passport ahead of time or we may not be able to validate it on the day of the tournament. If you wish to purchase a BCFA competitive passport/licence, please visit: http://www.fencing.bc.ca/

Pre-registration closes on Friday, February 29, 2008. Please register early, thank you!

Please note that late registrations (e.g. registration on the day of the tournament) will be subject to a $10 late fee per event.

FOR OUR AMERICAN PARTICIPANTS: Please be advised we cannot accept your cheques if they are made in American funds. We will, however, accept cash in US funds at par at the registration table. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

---------- WAIVERS: ----------

The Waiver of Liability Form must be signed by all participants or their legal guardians prior to the competition. Waiver Forms will be available at the registration table on the day of the tournament; however, you are welcome to complete the form ahead of time and hand that in at the time of registration. Fencers who are under the age of 18 will need to have their parent or legal guardian complete the form and hand that in at the time of registration. If you wish to obtain a copy of the waiver form, please contact us by email. Thank you for your cooperation.

---------- PRIZES: ----------

Medals will be given to the top four fencers of each event.

---------- DIRECTIONS: ----------

Here is a map of the UBC campus: http://www.maps.ubc.ca/PROD/index.php

Here is a Google map of the campus: http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=6138+Student+Union+Boulevard,+Vancouver,+BC&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=27.881336,81.738281&ie=UTF8&ll=49.268379,-123.250186&spn=0.006875,0.019956&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=0

SUB - Student Union Building is at C-4/5 [latitudes & longitudes] on the map.

There is a parkade north of the SUB called “North Parkade” you can park in.

The SUB is the bunker-like building between the Student Recreation Centre (SRC) and the War Memorial Gym.
If you come from the ferry or the border after Oak St Bridge:
Option A: take either the WEST-BOUND EXIT Marine Drive, or
Option B: follow Oak Street all the way to 41st, then turn left to 41st

41st becomes Marine Drive.

Marine Drive to 16th Avenue – that is the first and only exit on the right close to the end of the freeway section of Marine Drive.

On 16th at the 2nd traffic light, turn left, to Wesbrook; past 2 traffic lights – do not run the red lights, okay?

Turn left at GATE 11 - There will be a parking lot directly on your right, but it is a bit far away from the SUB. IF you follow the "bookstore detour" signs to the old bus loop (which is now used for parking), there is parking there right in front of the SUB.

Parking rates vary depending on where you park. On evenings and weekends, a flat rate of $4.00 is required upon entry for parkades. Tickets can be obtained at pay machines that accept $2, $1, and $0.25 coins as well as Visa and MasterCard.

This should give you an idea of how much UBC charges for parking: http://www.parking.ubc.ca/visitor_rates.html

If that lot is full, got to Gate 2 which is immediately north of Gate 1, turn left at the exit of the lot you are in, pass the tall high rises of Gage Towers.

The NORTH PARKADE is immediately west of Gage. It's at C-4/5 on the map.

The SUB is the bunker-like building NORTHWEST of the parking lot, and south of the NORTH PARKADE.

From either the north or south doors of the SUB, go up two flights of stairs, and at the top you will see the ballroom right in front of you (to your right, if you came from the south, to your left if you came from the north).

It is fairly easy to find.

---------- HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: ----------

Accommodations at the University of British Columbia are available for those who wish to stay on campus for the tournament. Reservations can be booked online.

More information can be found here: http://www.ubcconferences.com/accommodation

---------- CONTACT US: ----------

If you have any questions or inquiries about the tournament, please feel free to contact us at: fencingubc [at] gmail [dot] com

February 02, 2008

2008 Intercollegiate Tournament

The Intercollegiate Tournament is scheduled for Saturday, February 9, 2008. It will be held in the SUB Ballroom.

Date: Saturday, February 9, 2008
Location: SUB Ballroom

Mixed foil - starts 12:00 pm
Mixed epee - starts 12:30 pm
Entry fee: $10 per event
*Food will be provided free of charge (water/juice, snacks, cookies, muffins, etc.)

Medals will be awarded to the top 4 fencers for each event (1st, 2nd and two 3rd place winners).

Fencers of all levels are welcome to participate. If you are interested in entering this tournament, PLEASE pre-register by emailing us BY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7 and let us know which event you would like to enter.

This tournament will be electric so we will let fencers who do not have their own electric gear (lame jacket, foil, epee, body cord) use our club gear. PLEASE also indicate in your email whether you will be using electric gear and if yes, which ones - also indicate if you are right-handed or left-handed. Also, please let us know if you will also be using our club masks and jackets.