Here are the rules and criteria for the contest:
1. It may either be a black and white logo OR a colour logo.
2. It must be a fencing-related logo for the club.
3. It must be an original design. No plagiarism please!
4. It must say somewhere on the design, "UBC Fencing Club 2007-2008" or "UBC Fencing Club 2007/2008".
5. No profanity, offensive remarks or inappropriate content are allowed.
6. The logo may have a combination of words, images or both. It is up to the artist to decide what they want in the logo.
7. Jpeg files are allowed. Other files are probably allowed - please talk to us in advance.
8. Please make the logo at a considerable size so it may be enlarged for the t-shirt (if necessary). We will most likely be printing them off on 8.5 x 11 inch paper so try to make it big and clear (at least clear enough on normal sized paper).
9. One entry per person.
10. Winning submissions will become property of the UBC Fencing Club.
I suppose that is about it for rules. Pretty much anything goes (just nothing offensive, please!) :) Please send us your logo design at the club email address: fencingubc [atmark]
If you are curious what was done in previous years, what I can do is bring my club t-shirts and show it to you all sometime. If you have any other questions, please drop us an email. :) Good luck to all who enter!!